
#120 - The Rating Principle

#120 - The Rating Principle


  1. Is this a graph? I've never understood graphs. Are you trying to sneak a maths one in under our noses? How do you get to the end frame from the penultimate? Is this a graph? QED.

  2. Well, yes... it *is* a graph. But a nice, little simple one.

    Those at the top, famous; those at the bottom not famous. Those on the left, sold a lot; those on the right, sold nothing.

    So, adding it together to get the last frame:

    Top left is "famous and sold a lot".

    Top right is "famous and sold nothing".

    Bottom right is "not famous and sold nothing".

    Bottom left is Felix Dennis. :p

  3. And just for you I'll have to sneak a proper maffs one in...

  4. Ah. I think.
    Have you used Calculus too?

  5. Oh, no differential calculus was involved here... however it is a phase space based on the following parameters: £(x) where x is number of books sold and F(y) where y is number of column inches... I think there's an attractor somewhere in the top left quadrant.

    (Please see PC #47 for more exciting phase spaces!)

  6. Quick! Call the medics! We need some Humanities Pills immediately!
